How to cancel eharmony

By Alexandre (admin), last updated on September 6, 2023

Do you have an eharmony account or would you like to be reassured about how easy it is to unsubscribe from the dating service? You’ve come to the right place!

On this subject, if you don’t yet have an account and just want to be reassured, we suggest you read our eharmony review, where you’ll learn all about it: account creation, match, discussion, features, etc.

Distinguishing between unsubscribing and unregistering

People often, if not always, confuse the two. Let’s start by explaining the difference between unsubscribing and de-registering.

Unsubscribe: this only concerns users who have paid for an eharmony subscription. They have taken out a 6-month, 12-month or 24-month subscription and wish to cancel it so as not to be renewed. When you unsubscribe, you stop being a paying member and become a free member. This is also known as cancelling your subscription.

Unregister: this is where you delete your account. You don’t want to be on the eharmony site at all, you don’t want to receive any more emails or notifications from the dating service. In this case, you need to unregister. Note that if you have a subscription, you must first cancel it before deleting your account.

Cancel subscription step by step

First, to cancel your subscription. It’s pretty straightforward.

To cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription: log in to your account, then click on the photo at the top right of the screen and select “Data & settings”.

The new screen shows “My membership”. This is where you can click a button to cancel your membership. Eharmony may ask you for confirmation by e-mail.

It’s that simple!

Please note that if you cancel your 6-, 12- or 24-month subscription several months before the anniversary date, no refund is possible. The discount given by the site when you make a long commitment cannot be reimbursed if you decide to stop your subscription early.

Cancellation of the subscription is therefore only useful if you don’t want it to be renewed on the anniversary date.

Delete your account step by step

Would you really like to delete your account completely?

First of all, you should know that after spending perhaps 15 or 20 minutes creating your eharmony account and contacting and bookmarking dozens of users, it’s possible to put your account on standby rather than deleting it.

Why do I explain this? Because you may want to delete it because you think you’ve met the right person recently, thanks to eharmony or not, and you don’t want your profile to appear in the dating service any more.

If this is the case, and you think it’s a good idea to put your account on standby rather than delete it, follow the instructions.

Click on your photo in the top right-hand corner of the screen and go to “Data & Settings”.

In the new screen at the bottom, go to Profile visibility and click on the green button to turn it grey. Your profile becomes invisible.

You can reactivate it in a few weeks, months, years or never. It will be on pause.

If you really want to delete your account, this is also possible, and the procedure is just as simple.

Most people who want to delete their account are those who have tried the eharmony’s free features with the eharmony free trial offer and weren’t convinced by the site, or because they find the subscription price too expensive.

Go to your account by clicking on your profile picture, then “Data & Settings” and, further down, in Provile Visiblity, there’s a sentence with a link: “To delete your profile permanently, please click here“.

Click on the link and “here” and on the new screen, to permanently delete your profile, eharmony will ask you for your password to confirm.

All your matches, contacts and profile will be deleted.

How to cancel eharmony by phone

You can request assistance from eharmony customer service by telephone. The phone number is (844) 544-3175. You will be asked for your email, a special password for customer service (which is in your customer account and is not your personal password) and your profile ID.

You can try asking customer service to delete your profile, but they’ll probably give you a call to ask you to delete it yourself from the website.

However, it’s always a good opportunity to perhaps get a special offer to try out the site….

How to cancel eharmony by letter

Well, the answer is simple, quick and straightforward: it’s not possible!

If you’re not comfortable using the information tool to unsubscribe online, ask someone close to you to help you.

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